Wednesday, November 13, 2013

38 weeks

Well, my days are numbered...Jack took his first steps on Monday!  He's been standing up every chance he can get.   Each day he's been getting more and more brave with letting go or just holding on with one hand.  Jack was standing by himself for a few seconds and then took 3 big steps to Jon and fell.  CRAZY!  I was so proud & excited, which then led to terror and anxiety :)  Our days are about to change very quickly.  He's already into everything, so my head will just continue to spin.

Jack took a step backwards in swim.  He's been doing so good, but yesterday and today went south.  Jack is very unsure of men for some reason.  Jon is the only man that Jack will let hold him.  He's let his grandpa's and some of our friends but only for a few minutes.  I've been noticing he's fine with women (go figure), but cries almost every time with a man.  I'm sure it's because he's surrounded by women almost every day with our playgroups, but it's so silly.  We had a makeup swim class and the instructor was male.  He was okay for a little bit, but then started to meltdown, and anytime the instructor had to hold him to have him swim, he cried.  We had our usual class today and it wasn't too much better.  Hopefully we are back to normal next week.

I think we are also getting another tooth.  This might be part of the problem with swim as well :)  When in doubt, blame teething!  It's awful!  We can see a little white spot on the bottom next to his 2 front teeth. He's been super drooly and trying to eat everything...including his arm, LOL.  Crazy kid!

He's saying "Mama" ALL the time.  I love it.  Today he started saying "Dada" a little more.  He's learned how to wave "bye bye", give a high 5 and plays peek-a-boo with himself.  He's growing up so fast!

Well, hope everyone has a great week!

Lots of love,
The Waags

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