Wednesday, October 16, 2013

34 Weeks

Hi All,

Jack was so excited to get new snacks.  We got him the "happy puffs".  I made the mistake of getting the "greens" and his tummy cannot handle them just yet.  He was doing so good at picking them up with his pointer and thumb and getting them in his mouth.  We went to dinner with some friends and took these along.  He LOVED it.  He really seemed to enjoy feeding himself.  That night and the next were hell though.  Nothing would calm him down, we rocked, walked, pat, bounced, tried to nurse- not even the boob solved the problem.  After the boob failed, I was out of tricks. The boob ALWAYS works, LOL.  Poor little guy was miserable and just flailing his body all over.  That was his first try at store bought baby food, and I think the last for awhile.

Other than him being gassy, he's been a happy boy.  He LOVES his new swim lessons.  We had a lesson today and Jon got to go and watch.  He was smiling and squealing the entire time.  As soon as we started to get in the pool, he smiled, and started to kick his little legs.  They usually start the babies off with 1 second under water on the second class.  Jack ended up doing 3 and he finally kicked his little legs and swam.  He never did that at the previous class!  He's kicking, jumping off the sides and splashing around.  I'm so happy with the new lessons and Jack seems to be as well :)  The goal for the class is 10 seconds under water by Jan.  Can't wait!

We are still doing our playdates with his friends at least once a week.  It's so funny to see the difference between boys and girls, even at such a young age.  The girls are sitting there playing quietly in their own little space, and here comes the Tasmanian devil, Jack.  He's "touching" (clawing, pulling, etc) faces and hair, knocking kids over, using them like a jungle gym, stealing toys...he doesn't understand how strong he is.  He doesn't even really cry when he falls either.  Jon and I don't make a big deal when he falls, so maybe that is why.  If he does cry, we know it must have actually hurt pretty bad.  

We are finally able to take walks again with the cooler weather.  I am so excited for fall.  We are going to the pumpkin patch this weekend with Jack's little girlfriend Caroline.  I can't wait to take pictures of the kiddos. 

Well, that's about it for now.  Hope everyone has a great week!

Lots of love,

The Waags

Thursday, October 10, 2013

33 Weeks

I'm trying to freeze time and it's just not working.  Each day is something new for the little guy.  His current obsession is standing and trying to walk.  He's loving the push walker and doesn't seem to want to stop.  He's tried just letting go of stuff while he's standing, not realizing that he will fall down quickly.  He of course loves to practice while he's supposed to be sleeping.  I'll look at the monitor and he's holding on to the edge of the crib, walking around the crib and going after the monitor.  We had one sitting on the edge of the crib and that has hit the deck at least a dozen times.  All of a sudden you look at the monitor and there is Jack's face and hands coming at you...and then there's a loud thud from it hitting the floor.  

He has 2 new games he likes to play.  He will make the raspberry noise with his tongue, and then Jon or I will do it back.  He loves to do this back and forth.  He also scrunches up his face and breathes in air from his nose and back out.  When I make this face at him, he'll do the same right back to me.  When we are driving we just go back and forth with the raspberry and the nose trick and he starts smiling.  He tries doing the raspberry while eating sometimes, which is obviously not ideal.  

He tried carrots this past week and seemed to like them.  I'm not crazy about them because they stain EVERYTHING!  He looked like a little oompa loompa from Wizard of Oz after he was done eating because the carrots turned his skin orange where he made a mess.  

Jack started a new swim class this week since our other one was over for the season.  We love it!  The pool is indoors and they actually do circuits of different activities in the water.  The pool is also a saltwater pool, so we don't have that chlorine smell when we are done.  They also have a slide for the babies to go down.  I wasn't sure if Jack would freak out or love it...he seemed to like it just fine :)

Jack has been evicted from Mommy's garden tub to his own big boy bathtub.  I didn't think the transition would be a big deal at all...WRONG!   He was standing up too much in his baby tub that we put inside my big tub, so we said it was time for him to just be in the big tub.  The first night he was really tired since he gave up his 3rd nap.  As soon as we put him in the water it was a FULL meltdown.  Standing up, trying to get out of the tub.  He was so upset that I thought the water might be too hot.  Water seemed fine, so I jumped in the tub with him and he was a little better.  Still, he wouldn't get in the water, he was climbing up me as high as he could get.  It was so weird, because he's been in plenty of "big boy" tubs at my parents, Jon's parents, my brother's and my sister's house, so it wasn't anything foreign to him.  Just a new phase I guess :)  I thought for sure the second night would be better...not by much.  I didn't get in the tub this time, we just threw a bunch of toys his way and kept cheering him on.  We will see how tonight goes.  Eventually, he will be fine with it.  

Well, I think that's about it for now.  I hope to NOT be reporting walking anytime soon.  I'm savoring each day I have left :)

Have a great week!

Lots of love,
The Waags 
Jack and Addie
Eli & Jack sporting the speedos
He's a crawler
The scrunched nose face :)
We are trying to master the sippy cup!
Lotte tackling Jack
"Do I have anything on my face???"
Can't turn your head for a second...

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

32 Weeks

Well, the days of leaving Jack in a room for a quick second are officially over.  We left him sitting playing with his toys for 2 seconds, came in and he was standing.  STANDING!?!?!  He is pulling himself up and standing while holding on to his walker, the coffee table, anything that can support him.  He was holding onto the pack-n-play Sunday morning, and started to scale the sides of it.  I'm not ready for an early walker!   He's crawling now too.  He doesn't always do it, he still army crawls most of the time, but he's able to do it. He doesn't want to be held at all, he's ready to move!

He has said "da-da" and "ma-ma", but of course has no idea what he is saying.  The other day when his Tinga was on the phone, we were trying to get him to say "hi", it actually sounded like he did say it!  He also acted like he just found his tongue.  He's been feeling his gums with it lately and thinks it's just hilarious when you do funny things with your tongue.  If you make the raspberry noise at him, he will do it back.  

On top of all of these new tricks, I think he has grown about an inch.  All of his sleepers are getting a bit snug; he'd be showing off chest hair if he had any.   

For now swim is TBD, it all depends on the weather.  Lately, we've been getting so much rain, so the water is freezing.  We decided to hold our own music group instead of going to the organized one.  We had our first "class" today and it was a lot of fun.   At the end of the day, it's an excuse to get the babies together and have them socialize, as well as the mommies.

He's pretty much dropped his 3rd nap.  There are days I can't even drive around and get a last nap out of him.  He's in the stage where 3 naps are too much and 2 just aren't enough.  It does make for an exhausted little guy at bedtime though which is nice.  He's too tired to fight it.  There's times where I swear he's trying to jump out of my arms to get into his crib.  

Well, that's about it for now.   Hope everyone has a great week!

Lots of love!
The Waags
He's SO proud of himself

His trusty baseball
He's as surprised as we are
"helping" mom cook dinner...helping by staying entertained!
Ready for some grub
Right before he stood up.