Tuesday, October 1, 2013

32 Weeks

Well, the days of leaving Jack in a room for a quick second are officially over.  We left him sitting playing with his toys for 2 seconds, came in and he was standing.  STANDING!?!?!  He is pulling himself up and standing while holding on to his walker, the coffee table, anything that can support him.  He was holding onto the pack-n-play Sunday morning, and started to scale the sides of it.  I'm not ready for an early walker!   He's crawling now too.  He doesn't always do it, he still army crawls most of the time, but he's able to do it. He doesn't want to be held at all, he's ready to move!

He has said "da-da" and "ma-ma", but of course has no idea what he is saying.  The other day when his Tinga was on the phone, we were trying to get him to say "hi", it actually sounded like he did say it!  He also acted like he just found his tongue.  He's been feeling his gums with it lately and thinks it's just hilarious when you do funny things with your tongue.  If you make the raspberry noise at him, he will do it back.  

On top of all of these new tricks, I think he has grown about an inch.  All of his sleepers are getting a bit snug; he'd be showing off chest hair if he had any.   

For now swim is TBD, it all depends on the weather.  Lately, we've been getting so much rain, so the water is freezing.  We decided to hold our own music group instead of going to the organized one.  We had our first "class" today and it was a lot of fun.   At the end of the day, it's an excuse to get the babies together and have them socialize, as well as the mommies.

He's pretty much dropped his 3rd nap.  There are days I can't even drive around and get a last nap out of him.  He's in the stage where 3 naps are too much and 2 just aren't enough.  It does make for an exhausted little guy at bedtime though which is nice.  He's too tired to fight it.  There's times where I swear he's trying to jump out of my arms to get into his crib.  

Well, that's about it for now.   Hope everyone has a great week!

Lots of love!
The Waags
He's SO proud of himself

His trusty baseball
He's as surprised as we are
"helping" mom cook dinner...helping by staying entertained!
Ready for some grub
Right before he stood up.

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