Wednesday, May 29, 2013

14 Weeks

Teething,  growth spurts, and squeals, oh my!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!  Last  week was a little rocky for the little guy.   He has been so drooly and having stomach aches because of it.   He is still gnawing on everything in sight, but we don't have any teeth yet.  He has started to chew on his button lip, and when I am putting him down at night, I can feel him grinding his gums  when his head is on my shoulder...gross/ouch!

We had a wonderful time this weekend.  Friday night, Jack had a date with Auntie Audrey, while  Mommy had a date with Daddy.   We went to Jack Allen's  with some friends of  ours.

Sunday we got to meet precious, little Brady Gibson. Brady is about 6.5 lbs, and I just can't believe Jack was that small, and just 3 months ago!   Jack had a great time. They have 2 dogs, so Jack got more doggie kisses and he doesn't seem to be bothered by it.   He watched some baseball...and actually watches the T.V.   Then we ended the day with a snowcone.  Jack had so much fun, he didn't really take a nap there, and then was up "talking"  until 11:30  that night!   He wants to say something so badly, HAHA.   He can go on for hours with his own little language.  I can't wait until we can understand him.  We are so excited for Brady to get bigger so the play dates can start!

We didn't get to swim this weekend  because the weather was to iffy, but Waag was on the smoker all weekend. We ate  so good!   He smoked a meatloaf on Friday,  which was AAAAMAZING!  I have never really liked meatloaf, but I could eat this every night.   Then we did burgers, and ended with a massive ribeye that literally melted in your mouth.   This beef lover was a very happy girl!

Jack has realized life is better when you're sitting up.  When we lay him on our legs,  he will  pull his head forward like he is doing a crunch, trying to sit up.   He is making progress, but still can't sit on his own.   He sits in his high chair every night while we eat dinner, and has been spending more time each day in his bouncer.   He has figured out that he can bend his legs while standing to get a bouncing movement going.  He does it slowly,  but he will be that baby bouncing on our knees in no time.   We almost got a full giggle out of him yesterday.  He is SO close to a belly laugh; I can't wait!

We also have our first squash!   The zucchini, cucumbers and peppers have lots of blooms, but no veggies yet.  On mornings where Jack is up,  he goes with me the water the garden. One day he will be able to help.

We have the farmers market today, and hopefully swimming tomorrow evening. Well, we hope everyone had a great week!

 Lots of love,
 The Waags

Biting his lip and drooling...lovely!

 Watching TV

My daddy is so funny!

Our first winter squash peeking out.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

12 and 13 weeks...

We are getting close to being able to sit up on our own!
Well, sorry for dropping the ball on last weeks blog.  It was a busy week for the little guy and I, so we will have to make up for it today.

Last week, we had a lunch date with sweet Miss Caroline and her mommy Katrina (the babies are 9 days apart).  Both babies did great!  We also found out our friend Abby had her little boy, Brady.  He's a cutie with a full head of hair.  We can't wait for our playdates together!  AND we found out our friend Liz is having a BOY!   So, there will be another boy joining the playgroup in Sept.  

Last Wed we dropped Daddy off at the airport SUPER early.  Jack wasn't very happy about his interrupted sleep and that set the tone for the day.  Thursday we took our road trip up to Dallas.  I wasn't so much nervous about the drive solo since he slept the entire way when we drove to Huntsville.  I was most nervous about the packing by myself...for 3 people.  Packing for a baby (not to mention one that spits up quite often) is stressful.  3 changes of clothes per day for him, a couple for me since I'm usually covered in spit up as well, all the meds, his sleeper, the playmat, the carrier, the stroller, diapers, wipes, monitor, chargers, the list goes on...and on.  To my surprise, I actually remembered everything!!  Jack decided he wanted nothing to do with this drive though.  He didn't eat much before we left and cried anytime I put him down.  He fell asleep before we left, so I thought I could get halfway there at least before he woke up.  WRONG.  He was up 1.5 hours into the trip and screaming for food.  Of course he decides to do this when we are just out of the little town we passed, no exit and nowhere safe to pull of.  So, he had to cry for a bit before we found a good place.  This happened 2 other times on the way to Dallas.  The last time was 30 min from Molly's and Bubbas.  He wasn't really interested in food, he was just ready to get the hek out of that carseat...I can't say I blame him.  

The weekend in Dallas was great.  We ate some delicious food and got to visit with the family and Jack met his first dog(s).  We went to trade days with Auntie Molly (which Jack just slept through).  Jack got to meet his Auntie Maribel, Uncle Dwight, cousins Jake, Ava, Diana and Jason and then of course his Great Grandmother.  Mama Mac was so funny waiting for Jack to wake up.  Jack didn't sleep much the first two days we were there, and was finally semi back in his napping routine when we got to Mimi and Pops house.  This would have been great, except his Mama Mac was ready to meet him!  Usually Jack wakes up right as we are eating, nope, not that day.  He was sound asleep until just after dinner and then it was time for the grand introduction.  It was so cool to see my grandmother holding my son. We are officially old. HAHA!

The drive home was a piece of cake- of course because Jon was back in town.  We stopped once to feed the little guy and have him play a little outside of his carseat and then we were back on the rode.  

He has definitely started teething.  He is so drooly and wants any and everything in his mouth.  He has a death grip too.  He hasn't quite gotten his coordination down yet so we have to hold whatever it is he wants in his mouth.  He still doesn't really care for pacifiers (which is fine by me) and isn't a thumb sucker yet (again, fine by me) but instead puts his whole fist in his mouth :)

Since we've been home, he's started sleeping 10-11 hours straight at night (YAY!!!) and hasn't been putting up much of a fight with his naps either.  He's been spending more time in his bouncer thing- he just still has to stand on the box haha.  I'm still waiting for his giggle, but we think it should be sometime soon.

Our next adventure is swimming this weekend!  We are so excited to get him in the pool.  Hopefully, he will enjoy it as well.  We will be sure to take pictures.

We also booked our tickets for Pittsburgh in June!  Lord help me fly with an infant.  I'm already having anxiety about it.  We are so excited to get to Pittsburgh though.  He has met his grandparents there (Tinga and PopPop) but he hasn't met his Uncle Howard (I think this is his great, great uncle??), as well as his other Aunts and Uncles, and then the crazy college crew.  CJ is going to be in town too so we will get to visit with her.  It will be a big weekend!

Well, have a great week!

Lots of Love, 
The Waags
I'm completely crazy about this little boy :)

This face cracks me up everytime!

It was an exhausting walk!

Daddy giving wise words of advice.

Hanging out with Auntie Molly.  She gave him the corn teether and it vibrates! SO cool

Cousin love!  Love this little girl...who is not so little anymore.

Auntie Maribel.  These two will have many good times ahead.

He finally woke up to meet his great grandmother. 

Oh, how our road trips have changed :)

Silly Daddy playing the air guitar

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

11 weeks

So, remember how last week Jack wouldn't sleep while Jon was away?  Well, Jack slept the entire night once Jon got back home.  Little stinker!!  I hope this isn't going to be the norm.  We shall soon find out, because Jon has to travel again this week.

This past weekend was a busy one for all 3 of us.  We got up bright and early on Sat morning for my race.  It was a great time and I didn't have to be carried across the finish line.  That's a win in my book :) We came home after the race to get a bite to eat and let the little guy chill a bit.  Then we were off to the Pecan Street Festival. We met up with Auntie Audrey and ate some yummy non dairy food...which is VERY hard to find.  Apparently dairy is in EVERYTHING!  It was a long day for all of us, but Jack did great!  No meltdowns = yay!  We all slept like a rock that night.  Sunday we took Jack to the Natural Gardener which is a huge nursery near our house.  It was such a neat place!  We will be back.  We got the veggies for our garden and a few plants to keep the mosquitoes away from our patio time.   The garden is built, filled with dirt and now has veggies in it too.  We are looking forward to our first meal out of there.

In other big news, Jack is sleeping in his room!  He really doesn't seem to care to be honest.  We should have moved tried it sooner, but mommy was being lazy and not really wanting to go up those stairs in the middle of the night.  He is back to sleeping through the night now and seems to like his room just fine.  It's great to have our room back too :)

Jack loves to stand up; he had that mastered since he was about 2 or 3 weeks old. We decided to go ahead and buy him a bouncer.  He seems to like it, but his legs are about 6 inches too short, HAHA!  We put a box under it so he can still use his little legs.  I'm sure he'll grow into it soon enough.  He is getting more coordinated by the day.  He is using his hands to try to touch things more now and sometimes even holds on to them.  It also seems like he is really close to letting out a laugh.  I can't wait to hear his laugh!!  Hopefully he has a great one like Patti and Jon.

Well, that's about it over here.  Hope everyone is having a great week!

Lots of love,

The Waags  

Just a little short :)  We found a better box though.

Kisses after my run

After such a big Sat, we all cuddled in bed Sunday for a bit.

Pecan Street Festival

Our 1st garden

He's trying to get those hands working.

Love these 2!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

10 weeks

Just when you think you have a routine down...

Jack decided he was being too predictable and figured he would spice it up a bit. The week of his shots, he just wasn't himself at all.  He wasn't eating as much and would only nap for about an hour (usually this is around 2-2.5).  At night he was waking up every couple of hours like a newborn and wanting to eat.  Of course, when Jon got home from his work trip, he slept through the night...little stinker!  I thought we were back on track but the last 2 nights, he's been waking up about every 3-4 hours and wanting to eat again...coincidentally, Jon is out of town again.  Jon returns tonight, so we will see if this is a game we are going to play everytime Daddy isn't home.  

Aside from the sleeping habits, all has been well.  We tried the bathtub again.  He doesn't mind the smaller tub we have for him; it's great because he can sit up without us holding him which makes the "cleaning in the rolls" much easier.  This time we decided to try his big tub again, and we might just have a swimmer on our hands!   He loved it!  Of course at first he let out a panicked scream, but then he realized it wasn't all that scary.  Once we let him "float" a little on his own and he figured out he could splash, it was playtime!

Some other "firsts" for Jack are his highchair, TV and his frog.  Jack always seems to know when it's dinner matter what time we eat.  Like always, Jack woke up during dinner, so we decided to try out his big boy worked!  He can sit up in it.  With TV, after his shots, he wouldn't go to sleep; wanted NOTHING to do with it.  Jon plopped him down with him to watch the Pens hockey game, and Jack was fully mesmerized.  Jon was of course happy to have someone to watch the game with :)  Poor kid has no idea Mommy is going to squash TV time.  I'm sure there will be many future arguments with Jack over that one.   As for the frog, we got a big frog when we got the 3D ultrasound pictures done that has his heartbeat play when you squeeze him.  It's been sitting next to him in the pack n play since day one and just the other day, he finally noticed it.  For the first time ever, he took his eyes off his beloved owls and just sat laughing at the frog.  It's so much fun to see him experience all these new things for the first time!!

Looks like the "Belly Buds" are paying off.  While I was pregnant with Jack, I used to play music for him through these headphones that stuck on the belly called Belly Buds.  Jon has tried music a couple of times when Jack was losing his mind and it worked.  So far, Jack loves Rock. He's a fan of Guns N Roses, Ozzy, The White Stripes and Rush.  Jon plays the air drums or guitar, and Jack starts smiling and kicking.  Good thing, because the little guy really didn't have a choice of liking music in this house.

Some big news...

My maternity leave was coming to a screeching halt and we were both going back and forth on me returning to work. After lots of consideration, we decided that I would stay at home with the little guy full time.  It was such a hard decision.  I loved my job and the people I worked with, but I just can't imagine someone else being with him all day.  It will be an adjustment for us all, but it will be worth it.  Jon might be taking more trips just to get away,since Jack and I will be invading his "office" :)  

This past weekend we built our raised garden box; hopefully the first of a few.  The soil will be delivered tomorrow and then let the planting begin!  I was worried it might be too late in the season, but looks like there are still some veggies we can plant for the summer and plenty for the fall.  We are really looking forward to getting it started.  

So this weekend we have my first 5k since Jack.  I haven't really been running, so I'm sure this isn't going to go well, but I have to start somewhere.  Then we are going to work on the garden and it's the Pecan Street Festival this weekend.  So we will probably take Jack down there and check it out.  There's always live music and good food if nothing else :)

Well, we hope everyone has a great week and weekend!

Lots of love,
The Waags

TV with Dad

Ready for Duck Dynasty!

"Whoa!  How long have you been there?!?"

Such a big boy!

I know you're not surprised Jon did this within 2 minutes :)
