Tuesday, November 27, 2012

28 weeks

I think I am officially done with turkey for at least the month of December :)  It was delicious though!  The traeger has already paid for itself.  Molly and Ri bug joined us on Wed night.  We had a delicious night out at Chuy's with some jalapeƱo ranch, mmmmm!  Riley has now completely hooked Uncle Jon and I onto the "Duck Dynasty" show.  Total rednecks, but you just can't stop watching!!!  We must have watched at least 12 episodes while they were here over the holiday.

Thanksgiving was great; very low key.  I wish we had at least a little chill in the air to feel more like fall, but Riley and Molly were loving the fact that they were wearing shorts and flip flops.  Jon finally got to play some catch in the backyard, (the little guy will learn to catch at a very young age).  The weather was so gorgeous, we ended up moving the Thanksgiving feast to the back patio.  We all ate too much and then went back for dessert. That's what the holidays are about, right!?

The girls and I decided to take on Black Friday, but we didn't do the early bird hours.  It really wasn't all that jam packed, and we all got things we needed/wanted.  Nugget got completely spoiled by his Auntie Molly & Auntie Audrey.  Everything in Baby Gap is too cute!  I just kept picking stuff up and putting it back down; I was COMPLETELY OVERWHELMED!  

It was great to have the girls here.  We can't wait for Christmas with them and Bubba!  Fingers are crossed his boat gets here in time.

We also had our 7 month check-up last week.  It was not fun getting on the scale after stuffing my face all weekend!  Everything is good to go with the little guy.  I am still waiting to hear if I passed the glucose test.  You would think with how far medicine has come, they could have come up with a better test than making you drink nasty syrup and drawing blood that many times.  Hopefully there isn't a retest!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

27 Weeks

Our last week in the 2nd trimester! I'm a bit nervous about starting the 3rd because the 2nd has been so nice, but on the other hand I can't wait to meet our son! I took the week off work this week, so I've been getting plenty of sleep and plenty of nesting done. 

Thanksgiving is coming up and I am getting excited for all the delicious food, as well as seeing our family :)  Jon got his Traeger grill, so we will be smoking the bird this year.  Hopefully it thaws out in time!!! We've been doing a few test "smoke" runs on dinners this week, and good gosh it's amazing! 

We were hoping Uncle Mike would make it home in time for the big day, but looks like it will have to be Christmas before we have the whole family together.  We are so excited that those 3 are living in Texas now!  No more flying to see them; just a short drive north.  Molly & Ri bug will be joining Jon and I for Thanksgiving.  I think for every drink Molly & Jon have, Riley & I get to have a dessert :)  Unfortunately, I have my glucose test on Tuesday.  I don't think glucose tests should even been allowed to be given after a holiday.  

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

26 Weeks

This past weekend Mimi & Pops McCord came down for a visit & surprised us with Nugget's new Pack & Play.  We ate some delicious food from Jack Allen's & had a great visit.  Jon finally got to try the chicken fried pork chop; it was almost as big as Mimi McCord, but both said it was delicious.  I was just waiting for the cobbler the whole time :)

We received a package from our other Pittsburgh family; the Dobson's.  So many cute outfits and a Terrible Towel bib.  Jon said the bib and the Steelers outfit is all Nugget really needs in his closet.  Clearly I'll be dressing the little guy.

Jon also stumbled across this umm "wonderful" piece of art work.  He would like to put it in Nugget's room.  He will be 100% sadly disappointed.

Nugget's kicks are getting more fierce each day.  He woke Jon up the other night with his kicking.  According to all the aps, we are a little over 2 lbs now & around 15 inches long.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

25 Weeks

This weekend we finally got started on Nugget's room!!!!  I have been SO excited to start but life has been way too busy for us. Saturday I had a baby shower to go to; Congrats to the Sutton Family!  Lauren and I have known each other since high school and now we are having baby boys about a month apart. I can't believe how much has changed over the years.  We can't wait to meet baby Sawyer :)

Sunday was a day of work in the nursery.  We primed and painted.  I think taping is the absolute worst part, but we were both so happy to be starting this project, we didn't really seem to mind.  Jon was of course in charge of the music and constantly saying "are you listening to this nugget??"  The little guy got yet another lesson on music; more classic rock while Dad is playing the air guitar.

I ordered the furniture only to find out the dresser/changing table won't be here until the end of January.  At least the crib will be here this month and our infamous chair will be here by the end of December.  I have a slight addiction to Pottery Barn!  We will be sure to post more pictures as we decorate and get it set up.  I'm so relieved the painting is over with :)  Now the fun begins...and just in time for Black Friday!


Love the socks JW!