Monday, November 4, 2013

35, 36 and almost 37 weeks :)

Sorry it's been awhile since I've updated this.  It's been a busy couple of weeks.

I guess we left off right at our trip to Dallas.  We had a wonderful time visiting Auntie Molly and cousin Ri Bug.  We also got to see Mama Mac, Mimi & Pops while we were there.  Jack did alright on the drive up-- not his best, not his worst.  Thankfully he slept all the way home.  Unfortunately, he slept all the way home because he was up most of the night before.  I think we are getting new teeth...yay/boo.  Friday night, he did great.  Slept like a champ and took great naps on Sat.  He was up for about 3 hours crying.  He bit me for the first time a (happy birthday Mom!) and was chewing on his pacifier after that, so I'm assuming his teeth were bothering him.  I finally gave up and put him in bed with me.  Needless to say, I didn't sleep much at all.  I barricaded him with pillows and the wall & tried to get some sleep.  He is a crazy sleeper...he gets it honest.  At about 4am, I put him in his pack-n-play and he slept for a few more hours.  We stopped in to visit Mama Mac on the way home.  We had such a good time chatting with her.  Jack loved the camel foot rest that all the grandchildren have played with.  Put bells on a string and he has entertainment for hours.  

We had cupcakes for my birthday.  Jack didn't seem to really have any reactions so far.   We had pizza the other night and he's been a bit fussy today, but who knows if it's really from the dairy.  We will try it again.  Either way, it's better than what it used to be.  Thanks everyone for the flowers, sweet cards, gifts, calls and texts.  It has been such a wonderful year!

Next up was Halloween.  We had such a great time!  One of our neighbors had a block party in our section of the neighborhood.  It was great to finally meet some of neighbors and participate in Halloween.  I've worked late every single Halloween since college, so I haven't really done anything until this year.  Jon and Jack were astronauts and I was wonder woman.  I decided instead of buying a costume I would make my own.  Everything in the stores for women seem so skimpy and pricey, so I thought it was time to get crafty.  I was pretty pleased with how everything came out.  

This weekend, Jack decided it was time to start saying Da-da.  My birthday weekend he kept saying "mama" and "mom", but now he is showing Daddy some love.  On Saturday, he was talking up a storm.  Just crawling around saying "mama, dada, papa, rara" and other noises.  You can tell he's pretty proud of himself.  He's using any and everything to stand himself up.  Sometimes he lets go, but he's still unsure about it.  For the most part, he's holding himself up just standing, but he likes to just touch something for balance.  Yesterday, he was pushing his walker and decided he wanted me to hold one hand, while the other hand was on the walker.  So we walked around and around...and around the coffee table while he held on to my finger and his walker.   Yes, I completely melted :)  I could have done that forever.  

Well, again, sorry for the late update.  Here are a bunch of pictures from the past few weeks.  I'll post a second page when I get all the pictures from the pumpkin patch up...hopefully I can get them up this evening.  Hope everyone is great!

Lots of love,
The Waags

Ready for hunting!
Let me out!!
Thinking about being friends with Cash
Making funny faces with his cousin
He sure loves his Auntie Molly!
Such a special moment.  Playing patty cakes with Mama Mac...I have video too :)
Swing time
Get this hat off of me!
My boys
Mimicking Daddy.  He learned how to stick his tongue out that night when Daddy does the same
100% boy.  Why go around, when you can just drive over it?!
Happy Halloween!
Love this boy!
We really need to discuss all these pictures you take of me. 

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