Wednesday, September 18, 2013

30 weeks

Well, good news!  Jack won't need dentures :)  We can see his 2 bottom teeth poking through.  I thought for sure the doctor has been lying to me for the past 3 months, haha.  Poor little guy isn't having the greatest time with them either, but I've heard some major horror stories with teething, and we haven't had it THAT bad...knock on wood.  Now that I said that, he will probably be up all night. Naps haven't been all that sweet since these 2 little boogers decided to show up and he's been getting up more in the evenings, but I guess it's to be expected.  The doctor said he has one up top coming in as well, but we can't see that one yet.  This too shall pass...

Along with his teeth keeping him up, his new tricks are keeping him up during naptime.  I'm all for "practice makes perfect", but there is a time and place, and nap time in his crib is NOT what I have in mind.  I'll put him down for his nap, turn on the monitor and he's already sitting up staring at the camera and playing with his pacifiers and monkey.  Yesterday, he was sitting up for about 20 min playing.  He was just reaching over grabbing his paci, putting it in the pile with the others and then trying out each one.  Such a little show off :)  He's also practicing his bear crawl techniques in his crib.  He's planking and sticking his butt up.  He's not sure if he wants to stand or move...I'm not sure which is the lesser of the 2 evils either.  It's all just a matter of time before he is running around this house causing all sorts of trouble.

He loves his walker, and he LOVES to play with the trashcan.  He does NOT love it when mommy tells him no though.  He's testing me for sure.  He'll roll over to the trashcan in his walker, start reaching for the bag while ever so carefully keeping an eye on me to see if I'm going to catch him in the act.  I'll say, "Jack..." and he stops but doesn't put his hand down.  The other day he was just looking at it, and then looking at me, and then going "mmm mmmm", over and over.  I keep telling him no and moving his hand, which sometimes leads to a meltdown.  It's clear he knows he's not supposed to do it though.  Good times ahead :)

He is awesome at finding the ONE thing in the room he's not supposed to have.  I was in the shower the other day and just put him in there to crawl around.  I picked up everything I thought could be a potential hazard.  I'm right in the middle of washing my hair when he decides to army crawl over to the door stopper, pulls at it, the white tip falls off, and he of course tries to put it in his mouth.  I nearly kill myself getting out of the shower.  Needless to say, there won't be door stoppers in this house for awhile.  He also loves power cords...oh joy. 

Jack is also really enjoying his food these days.  So far, I think his favorites are zucchini, squash, and sweet potatoes.  Last night I mixed the sweet potatoes with the squash and he kept going "mmm mmm" and getting really excited.  For breakfast, he's been doing oatmeal, bananas and pears.  He seems to really like the oatmeal mixed with fruit, but not so much by itself...I can't say I blame him!  Next week we are going to introduce meats.  Jon's ready to give the kid some BBQ...all in good time :)

Tomorrow we are heading to Dallas.  Jon's mom is in town for work, so Jack will get to visit with both of his grandmothers and his Pops.  We also get to see Molly & Ri bug...wish Bubba was here!  We are really looking forward to the weekend with family.  Hopefully Jack does as good as he did last time with the roadtrip.  At least this time I'm not driving solo!

Well, hope everyone has a wonderful week.   

Lots of love!

The Waags
Our meet up from last week.  Look at those little girls checking out Jack :)
Jack and Sophia
Going to be a fisherman like Daddy
1/2 asleep and still asking for more cereal
Trying to master crawling in his sleep

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